Course Info

Course: Introduction to AutoCAD
Course Number: GID9003.10/.11
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6pm-9pm
Room: Library, Room 1004D

Friday, November 12, 2010

Class #2

We covered a lot of ground in class #2 and you all were able to start drawing a real plan by the end of class. That is a great first step!!
I wanted to post a list of the commands we covered during our 2nd class so you can review them and continue to practice them. I am listing the keyboard short cut first with the name of the command after.

Draw Commands:
L - Line
PL - Polyline
REC - Rectangle
XL - Xline (or Construction Line)
C - Circle
A - Arc
E - Ellipse
SPL - Spline

Modify Commands:
E - Erase
U - Undo
CO - Copy
M - Move
MI - Mirror
O - Offset
RO - Rotate
S - Stretch
SC - Scale
TR - Trim
EX - Extend
F - Fillet
CH - Chamfer

This is a lot of information to take in all at once - don't worry - we'll be practicing these basic commands each class until you have a good working knowledge of each one.

A few quick tips:
  • Remember that ESC key cancels commands and deselects objects. If you have accidentally selected an object, hit ESC. If you want to cancel your command, hit ESC.
  • Remember that OSNAPS can help you find points on objects - you must move your cursor near the object and wait until you see the green indicator (varies by snap point) to click.
  • Remember that ORTHO helps keep you in 90 degrees so you can draw straight lines. If you are feeling more adventurous - try POLAR.
  • Remember that TRIM and EXTEND ask you to select the object you want to TRIM TO or EXTEND TO first (this is sort of counter-intuitive).

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