Course Info

Course: Introduction to AutoCAD
Course Number: GID9003.10/.11
Day: Thursdays
Time: 6pm-9pm
Room: Library, Room 1004D

Friday, November 5, 2010

Class #1:
Thanks to everyone who came for a great start to the course. I want to review a few items we went over in class that are important to remember:

  1. Remember to log on to your computer with your email and password so you can print. You can still log on to any computer with the username purchase.guest. Remember to save your work prior to breaks or any time you leave your computer for more than 5 mins as your computer will log you off and won't save your work!
  2. Remember to bring a USB flash drive with you to class - this is the best and most convenient way to save your project files.
Commands and topics we reviewed in class:
  • The AutoCAD screen
  • Zoom and Pan
  • Selection of objects
  • Line
  • Circle
  • Erase
  • Undo
  • Escape (cancel a command)
  • Distance
  • Properties
  • Help Menu
Remember: Autocad prompts you for information in the command line area at the bottom of the screen - it will ask for input, give you options for commands, etc.

Remember: Enter or Space Bar after input enters that input into the computer

Remember: Hitting ESC key will exit out of the current command or action

Quick Tip: Hitting Enter after doing a command will restart that same command (so if you want to undo three times you can type "u" and hit Enter- then hit Enter two more times)

Quick Tip: The wheel mouse can be used to zoom and pan around the screen. Scroll the wheel forward and backward to zoom, push the wheel down and hold it to pan, double click the wheel to zoom out to the extents of your drawing.

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